individual health insurance

10 Ways To Compare Individual Health Insurance
Maintaining health insurance is an integral part of being healthy. The quality of your health care is directly equivalent to the quality of life that you experience. To get the health care coverage that you need, compare individual health insurance plans. Here are ten ways to compare health care coverage […]

Obamacare Survival Guide Review and Information
If you like reading out of date information, the new book Obamacare 911 Survival Guide is the book for you! Before I became a health insurance agent, I used to work in publishing at McGraw-Hill. And long story short, anything in book form is not up-to-date information. Furthermore, Healthcare Reform is still […]

Individual Health Insurance vs Group Health Insurance
If you are considering getting individual health insurance, and your employer offers a group plan, you should take to time to consider whether an individual or group plan is best for you. Like everything in life, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, but when it comes to your health, you […]

The Benefits of Health Insurance for Nurses
Nurses are invaluable to the health-care profession. This quality sets them aside as a special group of individuals. Without their care, concern, commitment, and dedication, the entire health industry may not be as productive as it is. For this reason, it is very important that nurses remain as healthy as […]

Walgreens Soon to Accept Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance
Walgreens and Walgreen owned stores such as Duane Reade and Happy Harry’s have now partnered with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and starting September 15th will participate as an in-network pharmacy. This will apply to Group, Individual, and Medicare clients who reside in the states of Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Kentucky, […]

What Has Health Care Reform Done
Healthcare reform passed over two years ago and many Americans are scratching their heads trying to figure out how it has helped them. Most Americans (more than 250 million) have health insurance coverage through their employer or through Medicaid or Medicare, about 40 million or so are uninsured, and around […]

States Resisting Health Insurance Overhaul
ARIZONA: A bill that would require Arizona health insurance carriers to provide written claim reports to plan sponsors up to twice a year, upon request, has been favorably amended in the House to make compliance less onerous. Modeled after a Texas law enacted in 2007, the bill originally required the […]

Iowa Health Insurance Medical Loss Ratio
State Iowa Health Insurance Commissioner Susan Voss has submitted a letter to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius requesting a waiver from the federal medical loss ratio (MLR) requirement for her state’s individual health insurance market. The letter expresses concern that the 80 percent MLR requirement established by the PPACA may disrupt the […]

Kansas Health Insurance Companies Individual Market
The Kansas Health Insurance Department held a fact-finding hearing last week on the impact that PPACA’s 80 percent MLR will have on health insurance companies operating in the state’s individual health insurance market and any potential disruption of the market as a whole. The Department asked insurers to provide information […]

Problematic Health Insurance Reform One Year Anniversary
Senate Finance Republicans are using the one-year anniversary of the PPACA to question Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on what they call the administration’s lack of transparency in the law’s implementation. During a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said that the Congressional Research Service […]
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