Archive for Month: January 2011

Aetna Insurance Withdrawals From Colorado Health Insurance
Aetna insurance is withdrawing from Colorado individual health insurance market effective 2/1/11 Aetna health insurance no longer offers Aetna Advantage Plans for Individuals, Families and the Self Employed plans in Colorado health insurance. Why is Aetna health insurance making this change? After reviewing the Aetna portfolio of Individual health insurance […]

Individual Health Insurance Reform Update January 2011
Last Wednesday, Jan. 19, the United States House of Representatives voted 245-189 to repeal the nation’s individual health insurance reform law, the Affordable Care Act. While a full repeal is not expected, we should see a number of congressional hearings on the topic over the next few months. The Affordable […]

Individual Health Insurance Legislative Update January
The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has released a proposed regulation that would institute a new review process for requests by individual health insurance companies for rate increases. The proposed rule, announced Dec. 20, 2010, would institute a new review process that may be administered by states if […]

Individual Health Insurance Plan Tips
Individual health insurance is not an easy thing to understand greatly because of the tremendous amount of health plan options that are out there. The comparison between different companies and different types of individual health insurance plans is a challenge. Most individuals just simply want basic private insurance. The problem […]
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