obama care

10 Needed Steps In Comparing Obama Care Plans
Obama Care has now arrived and for the millions of Americans without health coverage the news could not be any better. Everyone must have a health insurance plan in place to avoid penalties, so what better time to get started than right now? Before you start, there are a few […]

Aetna Letter – When Does Obamacare Start?
For individuals and families covered under Aetna insurance, you may have received some confusing letters from Aetna regarding Health Care Reform. While many carriers are letting all clients stay on their coverage until 12/30/2014, Aetna is forcing some members to change their policy the end of this year. For the […]

Health Insurance – It’s the Law!
The health care reform law require nearly all Americans to have health insurance starting in 2014 or else pay a fine. Some exemptions will be granted, for example, for those with religious objections or where insurance would cost more than 8.5% of their family income. Below is some very important information […]

Avoiding An Obamacare Health Insurance Penalty
The Affordable Health Care Act, more commonly referred to as Obamacare, has a caveat in it that says people who make a certain amount of money must have health insurance of their own that meets a certain standard, or they will have to pay a certain amount more in taxes. […]

What Obamacare Means For You
Almost everybody in the U.S. agrees healthcare reform is one of the vital issues in the country deep divisions have become apparent when discussing the attempt of President Obama to make a change to the healthcare industry. When you are looking at your health insurance rates on January 1st 2014 […]

Health Insurance Exchange & Reform Updates
Congress returns from a two-week recess Monday, and the federal budget is again expected to quickly become the focus of attention. Just prior to recess, the House passed a budget resolution that proposes to cut the deficit with significant changes to Medicare and Medicare. The latter would essentially be transformed […]

States Fight Back On Health Care Reform
When the nation’s governors came calling at the White House last week, President Obama greeted his guests with the offer of new flexibility toward implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The President said he is willing to give states an earlier opportunity to opt out of […]

The Real Deal On Health Insurance Reform
Without being too specific, President Obama signaled a willingness to consider changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) during his State of the Union speech last week. The only detail referenced, though, was the proposed elimination of a tax-reporting provision of the law that is unpopular with […]

Health Care Reform Implementation Update
Sept. 23, 2010, marked the six-month anniversary of the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. There has been a lot of news coverage on this milestone during the past few days and it is likely that more will follow. Certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act are effective starting with […]
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