aetna health insurance


States Resisting Health Insurance Overhaul

ARIZONA: A bill that would require Arizona health insurance carriers to provide written claim reports to plan sponsors up to twice a year, upon request, has been favorably amended in the House to make compliance less onerous. Modeled after a Texas law enacted in 2007, the bill originally required the […]


Health Care Overhaul & Deficit Reductions

Just one week after House Republicans unveiled their deficit-reduction plan, President Obama last week unveiled his own plan for cutting $4 trillion from the federal budget deficit. The two plans propose much different routes to deficit reduction, and among the differences likely to draw the most attention in the upcoming […]


Oklahoma Health Insurance Exchange

Gov. Mary Fallin is defending her efforts to create an Oklahoma health insurance exchange for uninsured Oklahoma residents, explaining that if the state does not have an exchange in place by 2013 the federal government will step in and create its own. Fallin discussed her support for legislation to help […]


Kansas Health Insurance Aimed At Blocking Health Care Overhaul

A Kansas health insurance proposal aimed at blocking part of the federal health care overhaul from taking effect in the state has advanced in both houses of the legislature. Senators voted 26-10 last week to amend a so-called health care “freedom” measure into a bill dealing with the state’s pharmacy […]


States Fight Back On Health Care Reform

When the nation’s governors came calling at the White House last week, President Obama greeted his guests with the offer of new flexibility toward implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The President said he is willing to give states an earlier opportunity to opt out of […]


Individual Health Insurance Reform Intense Debate

When House Republicans voted Friday to block funding for health care reform implementation (see below), it was with the knowledge that most Americans disapprove of the tactic. A new CBS News poll shows 55 percent of Americans disapprove of the defunding effort while just 35 percent support it. The poll […]


Individual Health Insurance Legislative Update January

The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has released a proposed regulation that would institute a new review process for requests by individual health insurance companies for rate increases. The proposed rule, announced Dec. 20, 2010, would institute a new review process that may be administered by states if […]


Health Insurance Medical Loss Ratio and Exchanges

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released two new sets of guidelines: the long-awaited regulations governing the Affordable Care Act provision on Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) and the first of a series of guidance and rules to aid states in complying with a health care reform law […]


Health Care Reform Overhaul Update

Last week, Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius issued a letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners expressing concerns about the approach some carriers have considered for child-only health insurance coverage. In particular, while endorsing the idea of open enrollment periods, she rejected the idea of denying sick […]


Health Insurance Quotes for Children

Health insurance companies are reluctant to offer child only health insurance policies under The Obama administration and new health law. The Affordable Care Act also know as Obama Care, states that all future plans in the individual health insurance market for children age 18 and younger cannot deny coverage to […]