Tag: aetna health insurance


Coventry Health Care Acquired by Aetna

Aetna health insurance company has entered an agreement to acquire Coventry Health Care. Coventry is a group and individual medical insurance provider and Medicare Advantage / Medicare Part D provider. The purchasing of Coventry will help Aetna’s managed care growth, something the insurance carriers are focusing on with the advancement […]


States Resisting Health Insurance Overhaul

ARIZONA: A bill that would require Arizona health insurance carriers to provide written claim reports to plan sponsors up to twice a year, upon request, has been favorably amended in the House to make compliance less onerous. Modeled after a Texas law enacted in 2007, the bill originally required the […]


Health Insurance Reform & Makena

Long awaited proposed rules that would govern the operation of accountable care organizations (ACOs), with relation to Medicare, were released last week. ACOs have been touted by some as an important step toward building a health care system that better encourages value and quality outcomes for patients. Aetna insurance early […]


California Health Insurance Negotiations

As negotiations with Republicans to put tax extensions on the ballot in June have stalled, Governor Jerry Brown said that he would consider a November ballot initiative to extend tax increases and bypass Republican opposition.  With $4 million left in his campaign account, funding to qualify the measure for the […]


Texas Health Insurance Charts Own Path

In an effort to address skyrocketing Medicaid costs, Texas State Senator Jane Nelson filed legislation to allow Texas health insurance to chart its own path for health care policies and programs. The bill would authorize Texas to participate in a multi-state effort to secure the consent of Congress for those […]


Kansas Health Insurance Companies Individual Market

The Kansas Health Insurance Department held a fact-finding hearing last week on the impact that PPACA’s 80 percent MLR will have on health insurance companies operating in the state’s individual health insurance market and any potential disruption of the market as a whole. The Department asked insurers to provide information […]


Problematic Health Insurance Reform One Year Anniversary

Senate Finance Republicans are using the one-year anniversary of the PPACA to question Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on what they call the administration’s lack of transparency in the law’s implementation.  During a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said that the Congressional Research Service […]


Health Insurance Reform Issues Student Health Insurance

With a law as complex as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), unintended consequences are always a concern. Last week The Wall Street Journal reported that the physician community is witnessing the emergence of a significant unintended consequence — since tax-advantaged flexible spending accounts can no longer be […]


States Fight Back On Health Care Reform

When the nation’s governors came calling at the White House last week, President Obama greeted his guests with the offer of new flexibility toward implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The President said he is willing to give states an earlier opportunity to opt out of […]


Very Busy Week In Individual Health Insurance Reform

If you’re keeping score, three federal judges have now ruled in favor of the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) while two have ruled against it. The latest to weigh in was a federal judge in the District of Columbia who last week upheld the constitutionality […]