individual health insurance

Iowa Health Insurance Medical Loss Ratio
State Iowa Health Insurance Commissioner Susan Voss has submitted a letter to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius requesting a waiver from the federal medical loss ratio (MLR) requirement for her state’s individual health insurance market. The letter expresses concern that the 80 percent MLR requirement established by the PPACA may disrupt the […]

Iowa Health Insurance Health Care Bill
Insurance Commissioner Susan Voss held a meeting with Iowa health insurance industry representatives on May 7 to discuss the implementation of a health care cost bill. Specifically,certain provisions require the Iowa Insurance Division to 1) hold a public hearing regarding any proposed rate increases that exceed national health care spending […]

Health Insurance Reform State High Risk Pools
In the new health insurance reform law the states are permitted to create their own high risk pools, expand existing pools, or allow the federal government to create and administer the pools for them. The following states will operate their own pools: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, […]

Iowa Health Insurance Rates Increase for 80,000
Blue Cross Blue Shield Iowa health insurance rates are increasing an average of eighteen percent for 80,000 members in the state. These changes are scheduled to take effect April 1, 2010. Iowa health insurance members will see a variety of increases ranging from 10 to 25 percent. This premium adjustment […]

Iowa Health Insurance Iowa Care Changes Add Costs
The state Iowa health insurance program, Iowa Care can only be used at the University of Iowa Hospitals in Iowa City or at Broadlawns Medical Center in Polk County. The program allows for poor adults who don’t qualify for Medicaid to receive Iowa health insurance. Currently, there are 35,000 members […]
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