Archive for Month: February 2011

Individual Health Insurance Reform Intense Debate
When House Republicans voted Friday to block funding for health care reform implementation (see below), it was with the knowledge that most Americans disapprove of the tactic. A new CBS News poll shows 55 percent of Americans disapprove of the defunding effort while just 35 percent support it. The poll […]

Individual Health Insurance Reform Breaking News
By any measure, last week was a big one for the future of individual health insurance reform. It started with a federal judge in Florida ruling the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) unconstitutional. Just two days later the U.S. Senate, unlike the House, voted down an effort to […]

The Real Deal On Health Insurance Reform
Without being too specific, President Obama signaled a willingness to consider changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) during his State of the Union speech last week. The only detail referenced, though, was the proposed elimination of a tax-reporting provision of the law that is unpopular with […]
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