aetna health insurance

States Resisting Health Insurance Overhaul
ARIZONA: A bill that would require Arizona health insurance carriers to provide written claim reports to plan sponsors up to twice a year, upon request, has been favorably amended in the House to make compliance less onerous. Modeled after a Texas law enacted in 2007, the bill originally required the […]

Very Busy Week In Individual Health Insurance Reform
If you’re keeping score, three federal judges have now ruled in favor of the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) while two have ruled against it. The latest to weigh in was a federal judge in the District of Columbia who last week upheld the constitutionality […]

Health Insurance State Reforms
Connecticut health insurance : The Department of Insurance has submitted its package of proposed legislation for 2011 providing a clear indication of the Department’s current priorities. The package would have to be approved (and/or amended) by the next Administration before any proposed legislation is submitted to the legislature in January. […]

Health Insurance Updates July
Florida health insurance: Attorney General Bill McCollum and Secretary Tom Arnold of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration have submitted a formal request for a waiver from the federal government that, if granted, would launch a Florida pilot program for enhanced Medicaid fraud enforcement. Illinois health insurance: Last week […]

Missouri Health Insurance Health Care Bills
An autism mandate bill for Missouri health insurance was passed by the legislature just prior to the conclusion of the current session last week. It is now on its way to the desk of Governor Jay Nixon, who has spoken publicly in support of the measure. Effective with all policies […]

Health Insurance Reform State High Risk Pools
In the new health insurance reform law the states are permitted to create their own high risk pools, expand existing pools, or allow the federal government to create and administer the pools for them. The following states will operate their own pools: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, […]

Missouri Health Insurance Freedom
The Missouri Senate is holding up discussions to allow the state to opt out of health care reform due to the fact that Obama Care has not been passed yet. Missouri health insurance advocates feel action should be taken now in order to guarantee they have the right to purchase […]

Missouri Health Insurance Autism Clears House
Although the Senate version of the bill is still in committee, the Missouri health insurance autism bill has cleared the house. The bill requires that all carriers must cover therapy services for children with autism. One major therapy named applied behavioral analysis seems to the most effective at this point […]

Missouri Health Insurance Economic Challenges
Missouri health insurance : Governor Jay Nixon delivered a State of the State address last week that focused on addressing economic challenges by creating jobs and balancing the budget without raising taxes. He highlighted success in the past year in retaining and creating jobs, and in balancing the budget without […]

States Ban Mandatory Health Insurance
State lawmakers are pursuing measures banning health insurance mandates. President Barack Obama’s push for a health care overhaul has stalled, conservative lawmakers in more than 66% of the United States are quickly moving ahead with constitutional amendments to ban government health insurance mandates. The amendments will prohibit penalties for those […]
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