Archive for Month: March 2010

Health Insurance Reform Bills Don’t Help USA
Days after the president Barack Obama signed his massive $2.5-trillion health insurance reform bill into law, we are just beginning to uncover the payoffs, exceptions and special interest deals that are hidden in the 2,700 pages of legislation. The spirit thus far has been plagued with broken promises and corruption. […]

Health Insurance Reform For Slackers
The United States free market system is under a profound assault from President Obama. President Barack Obama got his health insurance reform bill passed this week in Congress. Parents are now required to pay for unmarried kids’ health insurance until the age of 26. Younger adults will be enticed to […]

California Health Insurance Freedom
State senators and advocates for California health insurance are calling on Attorney General Jerry Brown to join other states in suing the federal government over health insurance reform. They feel that congress cannot force the American people to buy individual health insurance. Thirteen other states including their Attorney General have […]

Nevada Health Insurance Freedom
Nevada’s attorney general has been directed by Governor Jim Gibbons to sue the federal government. This issue at hand is Nevada health insurance reform. Thirteen other states are taking the same actions. The problem is that the state simply cannot afford to provide Nevada health insurance to every resident. This […]

The Health Insurance Reform Battle Is Not Over
Attorney general’s and state lawmakers are ready to wage war on the constitutionality of this bill through the court system. Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, ten other states, and top prosecutors are filing a lawsuits to protect U.S. citizens and their individual health insurance. The […]

Michigan Health Insurance Wants Freedom
A petition drive after the health care reform, started on Monday in Michigan. On the next ballot voters will be asked to vote if the state should be exempt from the Michigan health insurance mandate. Michigan Republican Mike Cox has announced that he will join other states in lawsuits challenging […]

Wisconsin Health Insurance Mental Health
In Wisconsin health insurance mental health disorders will now be covered at the same level as all other health conditions. The federal mental health parity law will help residents access treatment they need. Governor Doyle fought hard to help families of the state, requiring Wisconsin health insurance carriers to cover […]

Healthy Indiana Health Insurance
The Indiana health insurance program for the uninsured is called Healthy Indiana. It is funded by federal dollars and cigarette tax revenue. 45,000 people have signed up but many unemployed workers are being put on a waiting list that could last several months. The Healthy Indiana health insurance plan is […]

Missouri Health Insurance Freedom
The Missouri Senate is holding up discussions to allow the state to opt out of health care reform due to the fact that Obama Care has not been passed yet. Missouri health insurance advocates feel action should be taken now in order to guarantee they have the right to purchase […]

I need Kentucky health insurance
33% of residents do not have Kentucky health insurance. This has been blamed on the recession and the high unemployment rate. The increase is about ten percent since 2008. In correlation with the increase in uninsured, the unemployment rate rose five percent during the same time. For residents of the […]
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