arizona health insurance

Arizona Health Insurance Cost Reductions
The Republican-controlled Senate passed a budget last week that features $700 million less in spending than Governor Jan Brewer’s proposed $8.8 billion budget and includes drastic reductions in health care and education. The governor has yet to weigh in on the Senate proposal, although she has unveiled her latest plan […]

Health Insurance Reform News July 2010
Health insurance reform will inevitably add to the already unsustainable federal deficit. In addition, it will prove impossible for the government to create and establish a more efficient system than the one now in place. These are some of the arguments of more than a dozen states that have filed […]

Ohio Health Insurance Dependent Coverage To Age 26
Ohio health insurance Department of Insurance has evaluated Health and Human Services’ interim final rule relating to Dependent Coverage of Children to Age 26 under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and issued guidance to industry and employers on how the federal law will dovetail with Ohio’s current state […]

Aetna Health Insurance Extends Dependent Coverage
We know many families are worried about their dependents losing health insurance coverage when they graduate from high school or college or otherwise age out of coverage. Health care reform will address this issue nationwide later this year, when new regulations will go into effect. However, some plan sponsors may […]

Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas Health Insurance Dependents
Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas health insurance (BCBSTX) will be accelerating its implementation of the “Dependent Age 26” reform provision for premium business. You may have heard that concerns about this spring’s college graduates spurred the government to ask some insurers to comply before the Sept. 23, 2010, effective date […]

Health Insurance Reform Guide In 2010
Changes occurring in 2010 include: Young Adults on Parents’ Health Insurance Plans. Young adults may stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26, effective six months after enactment. Prohibition on Pre existing Condition Exclusions for Children. Insurers are prohibited from excluding coverage of any pre existing condition for children […]

Tennessee Health Insurance Passes Opt Out Abortion
The state House in Tennessee has approved a piece of legislation that will have the state opt out of using tax money from the state to pay for abortions in Tennessee health insurance exchanges. The bill is in response to the federal health care legislation Congress approved and President Barack […]

This Week In Health Care Reform
President Obama finalized his health care reform package this week, signing into law the package of fixes approved by the House late last week. While some of the new provisions won’t take effect until 2014, some will be phased in beginning this year. Health Care Reform President Obama Signs Final […]
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