Changes occurring in 2010 include:
Young Adults on Parents’ Health Insurance Plans. Young adults may stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26, effective six months after enactment.
Prohibition on Pre existing Condition Exclusions for Children. Insurers are prohibited from excluding coverage of any pre existing condition for children in the individual health insurance market, effective six months after enactment of the bill.
Prohibition Against Plan Rescissions. Carriers providing group or individual coverage are prohibited from rescinding coverage once an enrollee is covered under the plan, except in the case of an individual who has performed an act or practice that constitutes fraud or makes an intentional misrepresentation of the material facts. Effective six months after enactment of the law.
Prohibitions Against Lifetime Maximum Benefit Caps. Carriers providing group or individual coverage are prohibited from setting lifetime maximum limits on the dollar value of benefits and from setting unreasonable annual limits on the dollar value of benefits, effective six months after enactment.
National High Risk Pool. People with pre existing conditions who are uninsurable will be eligible for subsidized coverage through a national high risk pool, beginning 90 days after enactment.
Limits on Share of Private Premiums Insurers Spend on Non Medical Costs. New limits will be set for the percent of premiums that insurers can spend on non medical claim costs.
Annual Review of Health Premium Increases. Effective immediately, the HHS secretary and states will establish a new process for annual review of unreasonable insurance premium increases.
Elimination of Cost Sharing for Preventive Care in Medicare and Private Plans. In 2010, cost sharing for proven preventive care services is eliminated in both Medicare and private plans.