Archive for Month: March 2011


Oklahoma Health Insurance Exchange

A bill that defines the membership and appointment process for the Health Care for the Uninsured Board (HUB), which would oversee the implementation of a state Oklahoma health insurance exchange, was approved last week by a 51-34 vote in the House of Representatives. The bill now moves on to the […]


New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed a New Mexico health insurance exchange bill that has a strong chance of being vetoed by Governor Susana Martinez, who leans toward waiting for the dust to settle on PPACA litigation. The health insurance exchange would be a nonprofit public corporation with the ability to negotiate […]


Kansas Health Insurance Aimed At Blocking Health Care Overhaul

A Kansas health insurance proposal aimed at blocking part of the federal health care overhaul from taking effect in the state has advanced in both houses of the legislature. Senators voted 26-10 last week to amend a so-called health care “freedom” measure into a bill dealing with the state’s pharmacy […]


Iowa Health Insurance Medical Loss Ratio

State Iowa Health Insurance Commissioner Susan Voss has submitted a letter to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius requesting a waiver from the federal medical loss ratio (MLR) requirement for her state’s individual health insurance market. The letter expresses concern that the 80 percent MLR requirement established by the PPACA may disrupt the […]


Connecticut Health Insurance Plans

New Connecticut Health Insurance Commissioner Thomas Leonardi has announced the completion of website modifications designed to keep consumers informed of rate filings. The changes will allow policyholders to receive e-alerts about rate filings and to leave comments online. The site also provides detail on: The type of policy (individual, small […]


Colorado Health Insurance Exchange

A bipartisan Colorado health insurance exchange bill was introduced last week by Sen. Betty Boyd (D), Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, and Rep. Amy Stephens (R), House Majority Leader. The bill focuses on governance and would create a health insurance exchange that is a nonprofit unincorporated public […]


California Health Insurance Negotiations

As negotiations with Republicans to put tax extensions on the ballot in June have stalled, Governor Jerry Brown said that he would consider a November ballot initiative to extend tax increases and bypass Republican opposition.  With $4 million left in his campaign account, funding to qualify the measure for the […]


Texas Health Insurance Charts Own Path

In an effort to address skyrocketing Medicaid costs, Texas State Senator Jane Nelson filed legislation to allow Texas health insurance to chart its own path for health care policies and programs. The bill would authorize Texas to participate in a multi-state effort to secure the consent of Congress for those […]


Nevada Health Insurance Exchange

The Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) has scheduled another set of public meetings to discuss the purpose and general requirements of a Nevada health insurance exchange, Earlier this month, DHCFP held a set of public meetings that focused on outreach, education and enrollment to establish a […]


Kansas Health Insurance Companies Individual Market

The Kansas Health Insurance Department held a fact-finding hearing last week on the impact that PPACA’s 80 percent MLR will have on health insurance companies operating in the state’s individual health insurance market and any potential disruption of the market as a whole. The Department asked insurers to provide information […]