aetna health insurance

Individual Health Insurance Reform Breaking News
By any measure, last week was a big one for the future of individual health insurance reform. It started with a federal judge in Florida ruling the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) unconstitutional. Just two days later the U.S. Senate, unlike the House, voted down an effort to […]

Health Insurance Reform Guide 2011
Health insurance changes in 2011 Discounts to Medicare Part D Enrollees in the coverage gap called the Doughnut Hole. Employers must disclose the value of benefits provided by the employer for each employee’s health insurance coverage on W-2 forms. An Increased Tax on Non Medical Distributions from Health Savings Accounts […]

Health Insurance Savings Account Help Save Money
Save money on your taxes and earn interest on unspent health insurance savings. A great way to beat the high cost of health care, health savings accounts are in high demand. But shoppers do not usually understand what a health savings account is. Health Savings Account (HSA) allows individuals and […]
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