Archive for Day: April 16, 2010
This Week In Health Care Reform
As lawmakers returned to Washington this week, Republicans affirmed their commitment to repealing the health care reform legislation, while Democrats continued to campaign on the health care reform law’s merits. Meanwhile, President Obama stepped up his efforts to energize his core supporters by capitalizing on health care reform. Health Care […]
Health Insurance Reform Guide 2011
Health insurance changes in 2011 Discounts to Medicare Part D Enrollees in the coverage gap called the Doughnut Hole. Employers must disclose the value of benefits provided by the employer for each employee’s health insurance coverage on W-2 forms. An Increased Tax on Non Medical Distributions from Health Savings Accounts […]
Health Insurance Reform Guide In 2010
Changes occurring in 2010 include: Young Adults on Parents’ Health Insurance Plans. Young adults may stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26, effective six months after enactment. Prohibition on Pre existing Condition Exclusions for Children. Insurers are prohibited from excluding coverage of any pre existing condition for children […]
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