Tag: hsa

What Has Health Care Reform Done
Healthcare reform passed over two years ago and many Americans are scratching their heads trying to figure out how it has helped them. Most Americans (more than 250 million) have health insurance coverage through their employer or through Medicaid or Medicare, about 40 million or so are uninsured, and around […]

Health Insurance Reform Guide 2011
Health insurance changes in 2011 Discounts to Medicare Part D Enrollees in the coverage gap called the Doughnut Hole. Employers must disclose the value of benefits provided by the employer for each employee’s health insurance coverage on W-2 forms. An Increased Tax on Non Medical Distributions from Health Savings Accounts […]

Health Insurance Savings Account Help Save Money
Save money on your taxes and earn interest on unspent health insurance savings. A great way to beat the high cost of health care, health savings accounts are in high demand. But shoppers do not usually understand what a health savings account is. Health Savings Account (HSA) allows individuals and […]
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