Tag: california health insurance


California Health Insurance Freedom

State senators and advocates for California health insurance are calling on Attorney General Jerry Brown to join other states in suing the federal government over health insurance reform. They feel that congress cannot force the American people to buy individual health insurance. Thirteen other states including their Attorney General have […]


Individual Health Insurance Rates Soar for Blue Cross

Individual health insurance rates are on the rise in four states. Members are seeing increases averaging fifteen percent. People in other states are worried they may face the same dilemma. The carrier making these drastic increases is Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Regulators have been questioning the carrier for over […]


California Health Insurance Increase Postponed

Anthem Blue Cross California health insurance has postponed their rate increase until May. The adjustment is thirty-nine percent. A very large and devastating increase to member in the state. The increase is quadruple the rate of medical inflation. The California health insurance adjustments are due to sky high medical costs […]


California Health Insurance Senate Votes on Single-Payer Health Care

The Senate has voted to pass a single-payer California health insurance bill. The bill prohibits the sale of a private health insurance policies and establishes a new California Healthcare System.  22 Democrats voted yay and one Democrat joined 13 Republicans to vote nay. The California health insurance bill will now […]


California Health Insurance Investigates Medical Discount Plans

Shoppers mistaking medical discount plans wind up losing money and still having no insurance. People are led to believe that these are real California health insurance plans and marketers of their plans see nothing wrong with that. Real California health insurance plans will cover your complete hospital stay up to […]


Huge California Health Insurance Increases from Anthem Blue Cross

The leading provider of California health insurance, Anthem Blue Cross is threatening a 39% premium hike on individual health insurance policies. This premium increase is catching a lot of intention. This includes the President, Congress, Senate, and of course California health insurance regulators. The government wants to know why such […]


California Health Insurance Budget Crisis

California health insurance social programs will be eliminated if the federal government cannot expend a large sum of money to the state. Currently there is a $20 million budget gap and the California economy has not been this weak since the Great Depression. Jobs are being lost at an ever […]


Anthem Blue Cross Individual Health Insurance Rates Dramatically Rising

California health insurance policy holders have seen increases up to 39%, which almost parallels last years increases. They want the department of insurance to investigate. Anthem Blue Cross is California’s largest for profit individual health insurance carrier and insurance regulators are getting ready to investigate their dramatic rate increases seen […]


California Health Insurance Single Payer Bill

California health insurance : After a lengthy and heated debate, the California Senate last week passed a single-payer bill. As with past incarnations, the bill passed on a party-line vote. Previous attempts to advance single-payer legislation have been vetoed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Supporters of the bill claim it would […]


California Health Insurance Receives Dental Coverage from Health Net

Studies have shown that poor dental health can lead to heart attacks, strokes, premature or low birthweight deliveries, diabetes complications and other serious medical conditions. Medi-Cal dental coverage in Los Angeles county will provide access to such essential services as routine cleanings, oral examinations and X-rays at no cost to […]