Pre Existing Condition Myths
Individual Health Insurance pre existing conditions are strongly overrated as a concern for acquiring individual health insurance. Many shoppers believe that high blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, or maybe a visit to the hospital may disqualify them from being eligible for individual coverage. This is not the case. In addition, waiting periods for pre existing conditions can be waived. Therefore, you will be able to receive coverage for your conditions instantly when coverage begins.
Approvals can happen within days of applying and it doesn’t hurt to submit an application just to see what the carrier will say regarding your case. Many applicants are surprised with the outcome and especially with how fast and easy the service is at EasyToInsureME.
EasyToInsureME licensed professionals can help you present your case in the best way possible to the carriers and remain your representation throughout the approval process. Even after you have been approved we can still represent you in any changes or concerns you may have with the carrier. 95% of applications submitted to EasyToInsureME are approved.