Health insurance agents are an important part of the medical benefit shopping process online. It is because buying medical coverage can be very confusing. Health insurance is a complex financial product that has all kinds of provisions, details, and fine print.
So if you’re a shopper looking for individual coverage, an agent can help you sort out all those issues and locate a plan that’s best for your needs. There is nothing wrong with purchasing coverage on your own if you know what you want. But if you have any questions about shopping and buying health insurance, it’s the agents job to find you the correct plan to fit your needs and budget. If nothing else, talking with an agent is a great source of knowledge and support for making your decision.
If you think, “No way I’m working with an agent. They will charge me extra,” you will be surprised to know that’s absolutely not the case.
Whether you buy directly from the carrier, apply and buy online or purchase coverage through an agent, you’ll pay exactly the same amount for the same plan. You won’t pay an extra dime for the assistance of a licensed agent. The real value of agents lies in their tricks of the trade. They can help you find non-advertised discounts, rate guarantees and other deals that an average consumer would have otherwise never heard of.
Some of the best agents are at EasyToInsureME. The mission of EasyToInsureME is to help Americans find affordable health insurance in the easiest way possible. We do this by shopping all carriers available to the client and picking out four plans that will provide the best benefits at the lowest cost to the consumer. Then we send an easy to read side by side comparison of these plans through email to make the process as simplified as possible.