SEP is a common term in the world of Medicare, but now it also belongs to the individual and family insurance markets. SEP stands for Special Enrollment Period. Once Open Enrollment is over, applicants must have a SEP to enroll in health insurance coverage. Here is a listing of the SEPs:
- Losing minimum essential health coverage
- Getting married
- Divorce
- Relocating
- New child
- Change in income
- Medicaid or CHIP
- Cobra expiration
- Health plan de-certified
The events listed above are defined by federal and state laws, not the health insurance carriers. The carriers simply administer the plans designed by the federal government. All applicants need to submit verification that a qualifying event occurred and the date of the event. The application must be submitted within 60 days of the event. If an application is submitted without a verified qualifying event the applications is closed. Many Americans do not understand these rules and are under the impression you can apply whenever you want for coverage.
If you think you qualify for a SEP then give us a call or submit an Obamacare Application. If you know you do not qualify for SEP, then we can still help you put some basic coverage in place until Open Enrollment which begins November 15th 2014.