My Review of the Affordable Care Act
My experience with the Affordable Care Act has been less than pleasing. I applied at my local Department of Social Services. This was the first mistake because I should have applied from home on my computer or on the Obamacare Application. When I spoke with the caseworker, I was told that because I make too much money, I can’t receive any kind of medical assistance, like Medicaid. This was a huge shock because I can’t afford health insurance. The premiums are just too high, even for one person. I do have three children, but they are covered by Medicaid, so I was only applying for myself.
After talking about my options, the worker told me that I can apply for public assistance and they can review my options, and if approved, I would have a deductible of about $7,000 that I would need to meet. He entered my information into the computer so that everything would be in the system. At least this way I wouldn’t have to pay any fines if I didn’t have coverage at the beginning of the year. When I got home, I called the number that I was given so that I could see if there were any plans available. One plan was through Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I looked at the deductible for this plan, and it wasn’t too much, but I knew I couldn’t pay $5,000 out of pocket before the insurance coverage would begin. The monthly payments were roughly $265.
I contacted the North Carolina office for the Affordable Care Act, and I was told that I could receive a subsidy. This would be a monthly amount that I would be paid in order to compensate for the money spent on the premium. It wasn’t enough to cover the entire premium each month, but it was a something that would help. I haven’t had to use my plan, but I know that I will need to find another doctor because my doctor won’t take any of the Affordable Care Act plans. He doesn’t trust the government to get paid. Now, I need to find a physician as well as a dentist because there is very limited coverage with the plan that I have.
Anyways I ended up calling and I bought some Short Term Health Insurance.
Mary P. Columbus, Ohio