Effective July 1, 2010, Aetna health insurance will conduct a Uniform Modification of Coverage (UMC) for multiple individual pre-65 plans in Georgia health insurance. During this UMC, members will be transitioned to another plan with different benefits and a moderate rate increase.
Why the change?
After evaluating several alternatives, it was decided that benefit changes coupled with a moderate rate increase, would be more favorable to Aetna health insurance members than a greater rate increase and no change in benefits. This UMC will stabilize rates for the year, help to minimize future rate increases and allow these Georgia health insurance members to maintain an attractive level of benefits.Members will receive letters regarding their plan and benefit changes the week of April 23rd.
For individuals who are still in a rate guarantee period as of July 1, 2010, the modification of coverage will take place on the date their rate guarantee period ends. At the same time they will receive new premium rates for the coverage. .
How will this UMC affect members?
Members currently enrolled in one of the above plans will be automatically enrolled into a new plan unless they choose a different plan option. Members can request to move into a different plan calling Easy To Insure ME at 866-492-3905.