If you have excellent health insurance or no health insurance their may be ways to still save money on your out of pocket costs. If you do not need an ambulance and you can’t visit your primary doctor, consider going to an urgent care facility. Urgent care will give you quick access to a doctor without the high costs of emergency room visits. ER visits can cost a large copay and can be subject to deductibles, while an urgent care facility is just a copay or an admission fee far less than the ER would charge.
Currently their are many different facilities
Retail Walk in clinics:
Walmart, CVS®, Walgreens, Rite Aid and many other retail facilities will help you out with minor conditions like pink eye, ear infections, cold, fever, and sore throats. You can also get some routine screenings performed and flu shots. Best of all insurance or referrals are usually never needed.
Traditional Urgent care Facilities:
If you are injured or sick and need instant care your local urgent care center will allow you quick affordable access to doctors and nurses. It is a preferred way to treat migraines, lacerations/stitches, simple sprains, fractures and other basic injuries. Often times these simple injuries can be treated for 50-70% less than what an emergency room would charge. Best of all many health insurance carriers like Aetna, Humana, BlueCross BlueShield have copay options to receive this instant coverage.