How much you will have to pay for a Michigan health insurance policy depends largely on the laws and regulations in the state. Michigan allows for underwriting, which makes carriers able to decline or approve an application. When switching plans you should consult a Michigan health insurance broker to see all available options.
Michigan health insurance consumers rarely observe the many different options available to them. About ten companies actively compete for your business in the state with many different options to choose from. Any type of Michigan health insurance plan you choose should at least cover you up to three million dollars, if you see daily benefit maximums, deductibles for each injury or illness you should stay away from these plans. They do not provide the benefits you are looking for and are not major medical health insurance.
Always look beyond the premium when shopping for Michigan health insurance. The plans include different deductibles, co-pays, co-insurances, and prescription coverage. Health insurance premiums differ from zip code to zip code. A Michigan health insurance broker like Easy To Insure ME is able to tell you what is the most affordable plan with the best benefits.